Well, welcome to another edition of the “Spotlight On…” series. I first peaked your interest last summer when we spoke with local artist Daniel Finsley, and that article got this blog over 315 hits! With over 35 Facebook shares as well, I’m glad to be back behind the board to offer you the second entry in the “Spotlight On…” series!
Without further ado, I give you “Spotlight On Randy Oiler: Owner and Artist at 1601 Custom Tattooing” in Moundsville, West Virginia.

So, Randy, here we are. As soon as I heard a new tattoo shop was opening (and in my town, at that!) I knew I had to talk with you! A lover of all things ink, I’m eager to speak with you about the new place. So tell us: what got you into this profession?
In all honesty, the profession chose me. I was always told I should do something in the arts, even from when I was young.
To explain how I got here, a friend asked me to tattoo him, even though we were going to a shop, and, once I started, I thought it was terrible. I wasn’t happy with even the outline, so I stopped, and he got it covered. I dabbled in tattooing for years, and then I met my mentor, who offered to apprentice me. That’s when I knew I really wanted to learn.

I love hearing how people have gotten where they are, what kinds of obstacles they’ve overcome, so on and so forth. Also an artist, I like to hear about others’ artistic processes . Would you mind sharing how you approach designing a new piece?
When I start a new piece, I like to meet with a person to get their ideas. I like to make a tracing of the area the client wants tattooed, and I do a quick shape study of the elements involved in the piece on the same page. I find that approaching my design in this way helps with flow and placement.

That makes sense. I know when I approach a new piece of writing or a new drawing I like to outline it first—kind of see where it may go before I really dive in. What would you say is your expertise?
I would say I do more black and grey than anything. I have always liked that look, and it’s always amazed me how many different tones can actually be achieved with that style. It’s not what I set out to do—I just wanted to tattoo—but most people request it from me. And I would describe my personal work as “illustrative realism”; I take a more modern approach to the traditional, appreciating the fine details.
I’ve seen a lot of your grayscale work and it is exceptional. I’m just starting a *potential* half-sleeve on my right arm in this medium: I’ve always been drawn to black and white photographs, and much of my own art starts as pen and ink. The piece I have started really, really resonates with me. I just think it’s an overall polished, classic look.

This brings me to the next topic I’d like to talk with you about—describe the overall “feel” of your shop.
I like to think of our shop as a place that has both a classy, comfortable feel with a variety of intriguing art, likely to inspire people from all walks of life. Yet, we still have just enough “taboo” to put it all in balance.

I think it’s safe to say you achieved that “feel”. When I walked into the shop, I felt an instant need to gallery walk, sit on the “thrones”, explore—and I appreciate that you let me look around. I like that miscellaneous oddities are placed throughout that place, and I really appreciate the privacy of the tattoo rooms. I haven’t seen that in the shops I’ve gone to, and I really liked it. Total comfort, right from the get-go. Who would you say your “target” client?
Much like our namesake, we are a custom shop, as opposed to a “street shop”. We typically only work by appointment, as larger pieces and longer sessions are often in demand. Though, we do offer a walk-in schedule on Wednesdays to accommodate smaller tattoos and more minor projects.
I like that approach. It seems like it would be a nice break. I know when I’m working on any sort of major project, it’s nice to separate from the focus involved and move to completing smaller projects, letting loose a little.
But, a major project is a major project. On that note, what is one of the most challenging cover-ups you’ve ever completed?
I think the most challenging cover-up was a sleeve I recently finished for a guy from Texas. The original piece had a lot of random stuff in it, a lot of demonic imagery. A few years later, he had a change of heart about it, and he came back to have it covered: it was the best chance we had without many laser sessions was to cover it with armor.
I’ve had to have some laser work done myself, so I really appreciate a good cover-up. That kind of effort and artistry shows real talent. If someone had to look you up for a cover-up or a new piece, how can they reach you?
We have pages on Social Media, for one— 1601 Custom Tattooing—and a website is in the works, but it’s not complete yet. We also plan to advertise soon.

So I said at the beginning that I was ecstatic to hear about a tattoo shop opening in Moundsville. What made you choose this location?
I chose Moundsville for several reasons. Moundsville is my wife’s hometown and it’s where she grew up. I do a lot of work for people from here and just down the river. I also chose this location because it has a decent population and it’s a town that’s not overrun with a tattoo shop every couple blocks. I have always liked it down this way, and I wanted to give people a clean, professional environment where they can safely get a tattoo they are proud to wear. I’m also hoping for longevity—I like to hope that my business will last a long time, growing to the point where it becomes a city “staple”.

Well, Moundsville is glad to have you, and I’m sure you’ll be seeing either me or my husband in the shop sometime! We definitely have plans to get more ink in the future!

And there you have it! If you would like to learn more about Randy’s work or would like to schedule an appointment, stop by and see Kersten at the front of the shop. Or, just check out even more information about the shop by exploring the links below!
Facebook Page: 1601 Custom Tattooing
1601 Third Street
Moundsville, WV 26041
- W.B. Healy, Writer
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Up next, we talk with Helena Walters at Boss Babe Boutique!